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Specialhospitalets forskere har deltaget i at publicere en række artikler med forskningsresultater i videnskabelige tidsskrifter. Du kan se et udsnit af de seneste publikationer.

Resultater fra forskningsprojekter publiceres oftest i artikler i internationale forskningstidsskrifter. Vi har således sammen med vores forskellige samarbejdspartnere taget del i at udgive en række af sådanne artikler. Se et udsnit her:



  • Andersen KY, Ravn SL, Krogh M, Handberg C. Experiences and reflections on living with a personal assistance service: A qualitative study of people with neuromuscular disease or spinal cord injury. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2024 jun. 11. Epub 2024 jun. 11. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2024.2364828 


  • Søby AKH, Moos CM, Andersen AH, Ravn SL, Andersen CM, Roessler KK. Adolescents' needs for information and psychosocial support during their mother's breast cancer trajectory: A systematic review. Psycho-Oncology. 2023 aug.;32(8):1163-1172. Epub 2023 jun. 4. https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.6172 
  • Ravn SL, Andersen TE, Schiøttz-Christensen B. Content of clinicians’ communication with patients suffering from spinal pain in assessment situations in a specialized spine center: A qualitative study evaluating psychologically informed pain assessments before and after clinicians’ participation in an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy course. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2023;24(1):549. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12891-023-06392-z
  • Nim CG, Ravn SL, Andersen TE, Engelsholm E, Hestbech F, Hvidkær IS, Traidl AN, O'Neill S. No effect of social interaction on experimental pain sensitivity: a randomized experimental study. PAIN;164(9):2112-2121. https://doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002913 
  • Hansen M, Vægter HB, Ravn SL, Andersen TE. Validation of the Danish Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 in Trauma-exposed Chronic Pain Patients using Clinical-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 2023;14(1):2179801
  • I forbindelse med to pilotafprøvninger af LÆR AT TACKLE-kurser til pårørende afholdt af UlykkesPatientForeningen, foretog to af vores forskningsansatte en evaluering. Resultaterne er udgivet i denne rapport (pdf)
  • Aadal L, Hundborg MO, Pallesen H, Steensgaard R. A meaningful everyday life experienced by adults with acquired neurological impairments: A scoping review. Plos one. 2023;18(10):e0286928. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0286928.
  • Angel S, Steensgaard R, Kolbaek R, Frimann S. Competing discourses as barriers to change in rehabilitation nursing: a discourse analysis. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2023;4. https://doi.org/10.3389/fresc.2023.1267401
  • Søby AKH, Moos CM, Andersen AH, Ravn SL, Andersen CM, Roessler KK. Adolescents' needs for information and psychosocial support during their mother's breast cancer trajectory: A systematic review. Psycho-Oncology. 2023;32(8):1163-1172. https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.6172
  • Sterling M, Andersen T, Carroll L, Connelly L, Côté P, Curatolo M, Grant G, Jull G, Kasch H, Ravn SL, MacDermid J, Malmström EM, Rebbeck T, Söderlund A, Treleaven J, Walton DM, Westergren H. Recommendations for a core outcome measurement set for clinical trials in whiplash associated disorders. PAIN. 2023;64(10):2265-2272. https://doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002926
  • Hansen M, Armour C, McGlinchey E, Ross J, Ravn SL, Andersen TE, Lindekilde N, Elmose M, Karsberg S, Fried E. Investigating the DSM–5 and the ICD-11 PTSD Symptoms Using Network Analysis Across Two Distinct Samples. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2023;15(5):757-766. https://doi.org/10.1037/tra0001281 



  • Aaby A. Acceptance in the Context of Spinal Cord Injury: A multi-method exploration of the conceptualization of acceptance and its associations with mental health and quality of life. Syddansk Universitet. Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet. 2022 https://doi.org/10.21996/bpj4-0e50
  • Steensgaard R, Kolbaek R, Angel S. Nursing staff facilitate patient participation by championing the patient's perspective : An action research study in spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Health Expectations. 2022;25(5):2525-2533.
  • Steensgaard R, Offenbach Hundborg M, Pallesen H, et al. What is a meaningful life for persons with acquired neurological impairments? A scoping review protocol. PLOS ONE. 2022;17(6)e0269125.
  • Holm NJ, Steensgaard R, Schou LH, et al. An observational study on body mass index during rehabilitation and follow-up in people with spinal cord injury in Denmark. Spinal Cord. 2022;60(2):157-162.
  • Beck Hansen N, Ravn SL, Hansen M. Recorded Withdrawal from the Police Investigation among Victims of Rape: A Mixed Method Approach to Identifying Case Characteristics and Police Documented Reasons. Nordic Psychology. 2022;74(1):3-15.
  • Hansen M, Armour C, McGlinchey E, Ross J, Ravn SL, Andersen TE, Lindekilde N, Elmose M, Karsberg S, Fried E. Investigating the DSM–5 and the ICD-11 PTSD Symptoms Using Network Analysis Across Two Distinct Samples. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2022.
  • Kasch H, Carstensen T, Ravn SL, Andersen TE, Frostholm L. Cervical motor and nociceptive dysfunction after an acute whiplash injury and the association with long-term non-recovery: Revisiting a One-Year Prospective Cohort With Ankle Injured Controls. Frontiers in Pain Research. 2022;3:906638
  • Ritchie C, Andersen TE, Ravn SL, Söderlund A, Sterling M, CATWAD. A systematic review shows minimal evidence for measurement properties of psychological functioning outcomes in whiplash. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2022;151:29-44.
  • Vestergaard M, Jensen K, Juul‑Kristensen B. Hybrid high-intensity interval training using functional electrical stimulation leg cycling and arm ski ergometer for people with spinal cord injuries: a feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2022;8(43).
  • Ørtenblad L, Maribo T, Quistgaard B, Madsen E, Handberg C. Goal-Setting in clinical practice: a study of healthcare professionals’ perspectives in outpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2022;1-12.
  • Ørtenblad L, Maribo T, Quistgaard B, Madsen E, Handberg C. The ambiguity of goal-setting: a study of patients’ perspectives on goal-setting in outpatient multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2022;1-10.
  • Olsson L, Antepohl W, Ravn SL. Active Conservative Management of Primary Spinal Syringomyelia: A Scoping Review and Perspectives for an Activity-based Clinical Approach. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2022; 54:jrm00322.
  • Aaby A, Ravn SL, Elfström ML, Kasch H, Andersen TE. Does the Danish version of the Spinal Cord Lesion-related Coping Strategies Questionnaire measure what we think it measures? A triangulated mixed-methods validation approach. Spinal Cord. 2022;60(12):1080-1086.
  • Aaby A, Ravn SL, Kasch H, Andersen TE. Using the Multidimensional Model of Acceptance to Investigate How Different Facets of Acceptance are Related to Quality of Life Following Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2022;54,jrm00285.
  • Andersen TE, Hansen M, Ravn SL, Vægter HB. The Association of Probable PTSD at Baseline and Pain-related Outcomes after Chronic Pain Rehabilitation: A Comparison of DSM-5 and ICD-11 Criteria for PTSD. European Journal of Pain. 2022;26(3):709-718.
  • Andersen TE, Ravn SL, Carstensen T, Ørnbøl E, Frostholm L, Kasch H. Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Pain Sensitization After Whiplash Injury: A Longitudinal Cohort Study With Quantitative Sensory Testing. Frontiers in Pain Research. 2022;3:908048.
  • Andersen TE, Ravn SL, Mejldal A, Roessler KK. Values-based cognitive behavioural therapy for the prevention of chronic whiplash associated disorders: A randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Pain. 2022;26(6):1256-1268



  • Manniche C, Stokholm L, Ravn SL, Andersen TA, Brandt L, Rubin KH, Schiøttz-Christensen B, Andersen LL, Skousgaard SG. Prevalence of long-term opioid therapy in spine center outpatients the spinal pain opioid cohort (SPOC). European Spine Journal. 2021;30(10):2989-2998.
  • Aaby A, Ravn SL, Kasch H, Andersen TE. Structure and Conceptualization of Acceptance: A Split-sample Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach to Investigate the Multidimensionality of Acceptance of Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2021;53(10),jrm00232.
  • Mau M, Aaby A, Klausen SH, Roessler KK. Are long-distance walks therapeutic? A systematic scoping review of the conceptualization of long-distance walking and its relation to mental health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18(15):7741
  • Andersen TE, Ravn SL, Armfield N, Maujean A, Requena SS, Sterling M. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy and exercise for chronic whiplash with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomised controlled trial. Pain. 2021;162(4):1221-1232.
  • I forbindelse med et udviklingsprojekt om teletræning i eget hjem i UlykkesPatientForeningen og PolioForeningen foretog to af vores forskningsansatte en evaluering. Resultaterne er udgivet i denne rapport https://www.specialhospitalet.dk/media/4mdpqscw/teletr%C3%A6ningsrapport-trygfonden.pdf



  • Ravn SL, Andersen TE. Exploring the Relationship Between Posttraumatic Stress and Chronic Pain. Psychiatric Times. 2020;37(11):19-21.
  • Manniche C, Stokholm L, Ravn SL, Andersen TE, Brandt LPA, Rubin KH, Schiøttz-Christensen B, Andersen LL, Skousgaard SG. Long-Term Opioid Therapy in Spine Center Outpatients: Protocol for the Spinal Pain Opioid Cohort (SPOC) Study. J M I R Research Protocols. 2020;9(8)e21380.
  • Ravn SL, Eskildsen NB, Johnsen AT, Sterling M, Andersen TE. There's Nothing Broken. You've Had a Whiplash, That's It: A Qualitative Study of Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Whiplash Associated Disorders. Pain Medicine. 2020;21(8):1676-1689.
  • Aaby A, Ravn SL, Kasch H, Andersen T. The associations of acceptance with quality of life and mental health following spinal cord injury: a systematic review. Spinal Cord. 2020;58(2):130–148.



  • Ravn SL, Karstoft KI, Sterling M, Andersen TE. Trajectories of posttraumatic stress symptoms after whiplash: A prospective cohort study. European Journal of Pain. 2019;23(3):515-525.
  • Riis-Djernæs LM, Jensen CM, Madsen E, Maribo T. Should rehabilitation goals reflect all aspects of functioning in relation to a biopsychosocial ICF perspective? Disability and Rehabilitation. 2019;43(2):1-6.



  • Ravn SL, Hartvigsen J, Hansen M, Sterling M, Andersen TE. Do post-traumatic pain and post-traumatic stress symptomatology mutually maintain each other? A systematic review of cross-lagged studies. Pain. 2018;159(11):2159-2169.
  • Ravn SL, Sterling M, Lahav Y, Andersen TE. Reciprocal associations of pain and post-traumatic stress symptoms after whiplash injury: A longitudinal, cross-lagged study. European Journal of Pain. 2018;22(5):926-934.
  • Ravn SL, Vang ML, Vægter HB, Andersen TE. Pain-related Acceptance as a Mediator in the Fear-Avoidance Model of Chronic Pain. Pain Medicine. 2018;19(9):1764-1771.
  • Ravn SL, Vægter HB, Cardel T, Andersen TE. The role of posttraumatic stress symptoms on chronic pain outcomes in chronic pain patients referred to rehabilitation. Journal of Pain Research. 2018;11:527-536.
  • Andersen TE, Ravn SL, Manniche C, O'Neill S. The Impact of Attachment Insecurity on Pain and Pain Behaviors in Experimental Pain. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2018;111:127-132.
  • Andersen TE, Hansen M, Ravn SL, Seehus R, Nielsen M, Vægter HB. Validation of the PTSD-8 scale in chronic pain patients. Pain Medicine. 2018;19(7):1365-1372.



  • Kay L, Nielsen NM, Wanscher B, Ibsen R, Kjellberg J, Jennum P. Morbidity and mortality following poliomyelitis - a lifelong follow-up. European Journal of Neurology. 2017;24(2):326-333.
  • Maujean A, Gullo M, Andersen TE, Ravn SL, Sterling M. Post-traumatic stress symptom clusters in acute whiplash associated disorder and their prediction of chronic pain-related disability. Pain Reports. 2017;2(6):e631.



  • Nielsen NM, Kay L, Wanscher B, Ibsen R, Kjellberg J, Jennum P. Long-term socio-economic consequences and health care costs of poliomyelitis: a historical cohort study involving 3606 polio patients. Journal of Neurology. 2016;263(6):1120-1128.



  • Andersen TE, Ravn SL, Roessler KK. Value-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for the prevention of chronic whiplash associated disorders: protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2015;16(232).



  • Kay L. Polio, senfølger og postpolio. Ugeskrift for Læger. 2014;176(43):639-641.

